Real Stories

Cerebral Palsy

Testimony for Cerebral Palsy

A father (Markcus) whose 32 year old son has cerebral palsy (can’t talk nor walk) and learning difficulties.AFTER

  • After hearing the possibility of negative ions helping his son condition, Markcus invested AM in 1 day!
  • Sharing from family member: “During Christmas time (also his birthday 25/12) last year, first night of wearing many layers and sleep with the blanket, slept so well without getting up middle of the night making noises for 32 years till now he loves to sleep with the blanket. (even the helper can get to sleep) since then till now he has been wearing without fail. his skin no more yellowish, hair very soft, and able to sit straight and able to get up from the chair by himself, walk faster, can help himself eating sometime, no more bad mood, can call daddy, mummy and call me auntie. it is really amazing”.
  • After 8 days of wearing, he could call his dad! For the first time!
  • After 2 months of wearing, he can stand much straighter now. He can hear people calling him and also has better skin.

Markcus 的兒子32岁有腦瘫(不能说話和行走)有学习障碍


  • Markcus 从妹妹口中了解了妮芙露负离子衣服可以快速改善健康,便到公司当日投资AM产品给家人
  • 25/12 聖誕節是兒子的生日,第一次穿上这么多層衣服和蓋被,就一觉睡到天亮,以前30多年睡眠不好,时常发出很多声音,现在照顧他的女佣也可以睡得好.现在兒子每天非常开心穿大量负离子健康衣服,带黄的肤色改善,头发变软,还可以坐直,可以自动从椅子站起来,可以快走,可以吃的好,少发脾气,会开始叫爸爸妈妈和阿姨,兒子的改变真的太神奇了!
  • 穿了8天后,兒子第一次叫爸妈
  • 穿了2个月后,兒子可以站直起来
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