Real Stories

Testimony for Bone Cancer and Shoulder Tumour

Testimony for Bone Cancer and Shoulder Tumour

Six operations over 7 years, used Negative Ion clothes to help make her difficult days easier.


From Hong Kong, May is a retired nurse from a Hong Kong public hospital. In 2011, she was diagnosed with second stage bone cancer on her right shoulder. She did six major operations over a period of 11 to 12 years because of the rapid spreading of cancer cells to both of her lungs. The doctor who operated on May was worried about her and cheered her on because she was always alone for all the major operations, yet she kept smiling and never dropped a single tear… The doctor really admired her! After the operation, May would use large quantities of Negative Ion clothes to cover her wounds, wearing multiple layers of Negative Ion clothes and covered herself with the Negative Ion blanket to make her wounds heal better.


After 2.5 years of using Negative Ion products, her cancer cells disappeared completely, returning her back to a healthy and normal woman again. When the doctor first told her that everything was back to normal, May burst uncontrollably into tears. It was the first time that she cried since the day she was diagnosed with cancer. May added, that very night when she returned home her family of four joyously hugged and cried because she has made it through!


Negative Ion clothes had drastically changed both her life and her family’s. May is very grateful to have chanced upon these Negative Ion clothes and returning to live a normal life again.


This story above was an oral account by May. She now happily shares her story to many people with health needs.



#肩肿瘤入侵肺 共手术六次,使用负离子产品轻松的帮她渡过了那段非常艰难的日子,至今七年。

来自香港的这位May姐,是一位香港公立医院退休护士。2O11年被 验出右手肩膀有骨癌,而且系第二期。在11至12年间共做了6次大手术,因为她的癌细胞很快扩散到两边肺部,为她开刀的主治医生都为她担忧也为她喝彩,因为每次大手术她都自己一个人来,面带笑容,没流过一滴眼泪…医生都佩服这位女汉子!在手术后她大量用负离子覆盖伤口, 穿大量负离子衣服和盖被子,伤势好得很顺利,当她用负离子2年半后,她的癌细胞完全消失了,让她变回一个健健康康的正常人。当医生告诉她一切好正常时,她第一次放声大哭,从患病到痊瘉她才第一次大哭。她还说当晚回到家,全家4口人抱头痛哭,因为她捱过了!因为有负离子,改变了她和家人的命运。她说太感恩了,让她遇上了负离子健康衣服,过上正常人的生活。以上是她口述的。如今她将她的故事分享给更多有健康需要的人,她觉得好意义和开心。

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