Real Stories

Type 2 Diabetes, Pain and Stroke
Type 2 Diabetes 11 years, Pain and Stroke
Product: Whole set

Chen Chi Chung, TaiwanIn 1991, I was diagnosed with diabetes and my blood sugar was 365. That day, my life became colourless. The doctor prescribed me medication, I saw all of the famous doctors that my friends introduced me to, I spent the next 11 years switching from doctor to doctor making myself a guinea pig for all of their cures. Up until May 2002, my daughter brought home a big package of special clothes and a blanket. She told me if I wear this it would improve my health as well as diabetes and pain. I really did not believe it would help because I was in the Chinese medicine business. I thought about my daughter and how caring she was so I used it. The second day I went to check my blood sugar it was 223! One month later, I checked it again and my sugar was 222. I came home and told my daughter that this product is not helping me anymore. She called her AGM. Her AGM told her that I would need more Negative Ion products. So then she brought me all of the supporters. I had the full set. In 4 and a half hours I went to the bathroom 5 times. The whole night I didn’t sleep. The first night I went to the bathroom 5 times, the second night 4 times but each subsequent night I had to get up less and less. The second month after using the full set, I went for a check up. My blood sugar level dropped to 192. And after the next 75 days, my sugar level dropped to 103. Since that day, colour reentered my life.

My friend’s wife had a stroke 5 years ago. She couldn’t even go to the bathroom by herself. She couldn’t walk. She couldn’t do anything for herself. She needed constant daily living assistance from her husband. In May of 2005, she started using negative ion clothing and bedding. Before using the product she would urinate every 4 hours. After the second day of using the product, she urinated every 2 hours but the volume had doubled. When she started using the product she wore an LLL waistband. 3 days later, the waistband became loose. After 25 days she was able to stand up with the support of both hands from her wheelchair. In 28 days she could stand up easily holding it with one hand. After only 47 days, she finally took her first unassisted step in 5 years!

The sooner you use the full set, the sooner you will have the positive results you want.

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