Real Stories

Breast Cancer

Testimony for #BreastCancer

This is my 4th sister’s testimonial. In August last year, we invested almost NTD 100k worth of products for my sister to use and she continued to wear Nefful with the absolute confidence that the products will help her to gain back her health. In October this year, we decided to invest another full set for her to increase the density of the negative ions by wearing more layers. In November, her breast tumour shrunk from 8cm to 7cm. In just one month time, the tumour is down to only 4.3cm. We are so happy after receiving this great results as my fourth sister was in great pain for the last 1 year and we are all grateful that she finally regained back her health. We are thankful for such a wonderful product!

见证分享 #乳癌见证

这是我四姐的好消息。去年八月份我们投资了台币一万多的产品给四姐使用,因为坚信产品的好所以一直的穿。今年十月份,我们一家人决定再投资全套给她使用,再加量大量使用后,11月腫瘤从8cm小了剩7cm。短短的一个月奇迹再现,医生告诉她腫瘤又小了,现在只是4·3cm。 当我们听到时,都很开心因为我们知道这一年多,四姐过的不容易,痛苦中爬出来的他会越活越精彩,越来越健康!感恩这么棒的产品!

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