Real Stories

Fungal Infection of the Nail

Testimony for #onychomycosis

Testimonial for #onychomycosis (fungal infection of the nail) with the wearing of #negativeion five-toed socks (#athletesfoot)

During my younger years as a soldier, I contracted athlete’s foot due to a fungal infection on my right foot. It wasn’t very serious so I left it alone until last year when I felt that there was something strange about my right big toe. I didn’t bother much about it as I thought it was a small issue and that it would be better after my nail grew out. However, it has been more than 1 year now and it seems to be getting more and more serious.

Picture 1 shows a photo of my right foot that was taken on 26 August 2017, which shows that I had onychomycosis but I chose to leave it alone.

As a result of this incident, I was determined to take care of my feet. I bought a pair of Negative Ion Five Toed Socks for daywear purposes.

Why did I choose to buy the Negative Ion Five Toed Socks?

That is because the Five Toed Socks allows the individual toe gaps to be exposed to negative ions. There are a lot of acupuncture points in the toe gaps and can have health effects similar to that of a massage.

It turns out my notion was right!
On the 1st day of wearing Negative Ion Five Toed Socks, I realised my feet and toe gaps were dry despite 1 full day of wearing, which felt great!

My feet sweat easily, which causes odour. Moreover, with athlete’s foot on my right foot, non-breathable shoes coupled with long periods of wearing cause my feet to perspire and feel uncomfortable, with itchiness as well.

After changing my normal socks to Negative Ion Five Toed Socks, my toes feel dry and comfortable even after taking off the socks. My foot perspiration and foot odour ceased and my feet did not itch anymore!

Thereafter, I wore it day and night, even when I was sleeping, such that I was wearing it nearly 24 hours a day.

Recently, I realised that the hard skin on the sole of my feet was slowly coming off and smooth new skin was growing out. I observed that the skin on my feet felt softer than before as compared to wearing normal socks. That is because negative ions promote regeneration.This point will make ladies love it more.

After 1 week of wearing Negative Ion Five Toed Socks, my onychomycosis condition started showing improvement and the surface area with onychomycosis was slowly reducing, which is very obvious!

Picture 2 shows a photo of my right foot that was taken on 14 September 2017, nearly 3 weeks after wearing Negative Ion Five Toed Socks, which shows drastic improvement!

I am really grateful to this product for helping my condition. Thank you to my friend for introducing me to the product but the most important thing is I must thank myself for being willing to believe and try the product, which helped me to experience improvement in my physical problems.




















#這些都是在沒吃藥情況下發生的 #神奇的負離子自然療法 #這就是所謂的穿出健康

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