Real Stories

Healing from wounds and scarring

Testimony for Wound Healing and Scarring

Shared by Su Jie’s partner based in Dong Guan, China. #scarring #NegativeIons

She met in an accident in January 2017 while riding a motorcycle and was hospitalised for 2 months.

Picture 1 shows the wound on her face before using negative ion products. Her wound was not healing well.

In May, when she was on her way to meet friends, she got to know Su Jie who introduced the benefits of negative ions to her. Due to the exorbitant hospitalisation expenses which resulted in her being unable to purchase negative ion products, her friends all chipped in to gift her some negative ion cloth scraps, which were leftovers from tailoring. Every night, she would wrap her face, wash and change it frequently.

Picture 2 shows the effect of negative ion products on her face.

After 2 weeks, her wound has fully recovered, with no visible scarring, even though her wound was looking bad for the past 2 months. The effects of using Nefful’s negative ion products have been amazing, simple, safe and convenient, while easily regaining her health and beauty.

感謝素婕區總分享🙏 🙏

東莞伙伴去年1月份騎摩托車被撞到,住医院2個月,傷口還未瘉合,5月份找朋友認識素婕區總介紹負離子的好處,由於医院用了很多錢没能力買負離子產品,朋友送了一些加工剩下的負離子物料碎片她,每天晚上包著受傷的面,勤换洗,2星期後傷口已完全好了,并且完全看不到疤痕,妮芙露負離子產品真的可以講話,效果太神奇了,簡單、安全、方便就可以得到健康美麗👍 👍 👍
給妮贊贊贊👏 👏

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