Real Stories

Lumbar Disc Herniation

Testimony from China – #LumbarDiscHerniation

It has been 9 year’s since Xiang Ru’s husband suffered a Lumbar Disc Herniation. At the end of last year, the issue relapsed and got worse.

It would hurt badly during his sleep, even when he stands. He has to move slowly when he turns. The pain was so bad, he was bedridden for half a month!
He followed up with a lot of physical therapy, traction acupuncture, electrotherapy, even becoming a VIP member of those services.

Fortunately, 6 months ago we were introduced to Negative Ion Clothes, but even then, we could not belief clothes could impact our health! But upon experiencing it ourselves, we were amazed at the huge detoxification reaction of flu-like symptoms which lasted almost a month! This has never happened before.

He was really excited to share with us his progress and to prove the product’s significant difference for him. So upon experiencing the improvements, he drove more than 1,800 km from Chongqing to Zhejiang (China) for more than 20 hours and did not feel tiredness or any waist discomfort.

This gave him a deeper appreciation for the products and became very supportive of his wife sharing the benefits of these Negative Ion Clothes from Nefful. They are very thankful to the friend who shared this with him.

溫州相汝的先生腰椎盤突出9年時間了,去年年底復發很嚴重,睡覺也痛、站著也痛、轉身都要慢慢的,更躺在床上半個月時間,之後開始理療治療、牽引針灸、電療等,更成為VIP專員。幸運的在半年前接觸負離子產品,當時也完全不相信穿衣服可以穿出健康,當自己親身體驗時,排毒反應很大,生病感冒維持一個月,喔!這是他以往不曾發生的事,證明產品在他身上起了很大的作用👍,聽他給我們分享,很興奮體驗後的收獲,自己開車🚙1800多公里重慶到浙江,超過20多小時長途路程,完全沒有感到疲勞與腰部不適👍 更令他對產品產生很大的興趣,以行動來支持太太👏🏻,希望另一伴把妮芙露國際事業發揚光大,非常感謝大帥哥無私的分享🙏🏻

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