Real Stories

Varicose Veins, Spinal Issue

Testimony for #varicoseveins #spinal

From Hong Kong

Before using the product, Hong Ping suffered from severe headaches, body and back pain. Despite taking numerous supplements, going for treatments and taking large amounts of painkillers, the pain was so unbearable that she had suicidal thoughts. She was diagnosed with a misalignment of the 3rd and 4th vertebral segments of her cervical spine, and misalignment of the tailbone. These pressed on the nerves, causing pain to radiate into the body, and experience cramps and paralysis in hands and legs.

Thankfully, Hong Ping was introduced to #negativeionclothes and the beddings. With the high density of negative ions, in just 3 months and a week, all pain and numbness disappeared, and there was a great improvement in her varicose veins. Throughout this period and ever since she did not have to take a single painkiller!

Thank you for making such a great product!


經過好姐妹阿均介紹用了妮芙露公司大量負離子產品!✌才3個月零一個星期。手腳沒痛了,沒痲痹了! 靜脈曲張也好了好多!連感冒藥都沒吃過一粒,感謝妮芙露岀了這麼棒的產品!感謝阿均。各位區總/各位伙伴!所有行動精神上大力支持!

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